portraits help maintain a family’s legacy despite the ravages of time. Many
people’s experiences of distant or older family members are through pictures.
Without them, there would be a blank slide in one’s mind whenever reminiscing
about a relative! Every family is a story. Professional pictures help to tell
that story. It cancels out any physical or emotional separation. Because of
this, I would argue that every family event, especially a vacation, should be
professionally documented!
you planning a trip to Florida’s Emerald Coast, that beautiful stretch of beach
between Panama City Beach and Pensacola Beach? Whether you are coming to Destin
for a relaxing vacation, to Navarre Beach for a wedding or Rosemary Beach for
a family reunion, why not memorialize your time spent on our sparkling, sugar
white sand by having a professional family portrait taken?
you can ask the nice woman walking down the beach to snap a shot with your
phone or your point and shoot camera, but will it be good enough to blow up and
hang over your mantle? While it is always nice to embrace spontaneity and have
a Good Samaritan snap your photo with an iPhone or inexpensive camera, the
results are usually less than stellar. This, however, is to be expected.
Although such on-the-fly photos are necessary, as it is impossible to always
have a professional photographer following you around (Boy, wouldn’t that be
nice? Your own personal noninvasive paparazzi!), they are never of the greatest
quality and are poor reflections of an otherwise planned-out trip. Make sure
all your bases are covered. I guarantee you will not regret it!
everything else is planned-out so well, you might as well plan a photo-shoot. Well,
on this trip, make it easy on yourself and know you will have great photos of
the family by hiring a professional who has the training, equipment and
experience to capture the happy time you spent at the beach in a beautiful
photograph. After all, these photos are works of art. There is a world of
difference between pictures taken on your phone and pictures taken by a
professional with the necessary equipment.
many photos have you taken on other vacations or at other events? Where are
they? Probably still in your camera or downloaded to your computer
and lost among the other thousand images there. Will you ever have time to go
through all those images and find the ones that are good and have them printed?
The answer is probably no. No one really has time for that. It is a giant